
Friday, August 13, 2010

Random Question for Friday

Apple or PC?

I work from a PC and like it but have two i-pods. So why I have Apple products, I guess you would call me a PC girl.

What about you? Apple or PC?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Going with the "Maybe"

I've been reading a book that deals with fear. It's a great and encouraging book that has helped me a lot. One of the points the author, Jentzen Franklin, makes is that sometimes when we feel fear about something we have to trust God with the maybe.

Sometimes God tells us to do something and we don't really know how it's going to turn out. That's when we trust God to take care of us and believe His best for us.

I'm in a season right now in relationships, at my work, and life in general where I'm learning to trust God with the "maybe".

It's scary and there are times where I'm tempted to stay in my safe little corner. But here's the truth, I'll never fulfill the plans God has for me if I don't take risks and trust God with the "maybe".

Monday, August 9, 2010


Have you ever been disappointed in people? Recently, I was reading some comments by people who claimed to be Christians that just saddened me. It seems to me many who claim to follow Christ want to nullify the word of God. It seems they cherry pick verses that fit a god they can worship in their own image and that fits their world view. Please, I'm not trying to sound harsh but this is just what I observed.

I walked away sad but then God reminded me that people will fail, including myself. All I can do is to pray for them.

There has got to be a way we as followers of Christ can live in the truth and power of God's word without being harsh. Granted we probably won't win many popularity contests standing on God's truth, but we will lead more people into a real relationship with Him.

It's a tough balance, but when we find it, we can change the world.


Friday, August 6, 2010

Random Question for Friday

I love to read old books from Charles Dickens and Jane Austen. I also love to read Christians books that speak into my life.

I don't like to read leadership books or how to be a better you at work type books. They make my eyes bleed due to boredom.

What kind of books do you like to read?

What kind of books do you avoid like the plague?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Taking Life One Day at a Time

I struggle with worry. Sometimes I worry so much, I forget to enjoy the day God has given me.

So, I'm praying and asking God to help me take life one day at time.

I want to enjoy every moment and take every opportunity to do what God has planned for me that day. It's been an up and down process. Some days I remember, other days I don't.

Hopefully soon, it will become a way of life for me. 

Is this something you struggle with? Any tips if you've overcome it?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Favorite Things

I love that feeling when I laugh so hard I get tears in my eyes.

It makes feel alive and gives me a sense that all is right with the world for that moment.

Honestly, it's one of my favorite things in life.

What about you? What are some of your favorite things?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Thoughts on Modesty

Everything I have is really God's because He's provided the money for it.

My house.

My food.

Even my clothes.

As I was thinking about this, it dawned on me...

If my clothes are given to me by God, then wouldn't I want them to more modest?

Now I'm not one of those people who think women should be covered from head to toe, but I do think women should guard the way they dress. Especially in the way of exposing their boobs to the whole world. I've seen amazing Christian women who cause guys to stumble all over themselves because their "girls" are hanging out of their top.

But I don't think the only reason women should dress modestly is so guys won't drool all over themselves.

I think women should dress modestly first to please God. And second, for themselves. Think about it, if you think you have to expose a body part to feel attractive, you probably don't think very highly of yourself.

There are ways women can look attractive without exposing themselves, it just takes some fashion sense and a little bit of creativity.

After all, our clothes are really given to us by God. Shouldn't they glorify Him instead of particluar body part? Just sayin'.